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social responsabilities

Corporate & Social Responsibilities

Intels is deeply committed to managing its activities in a responsible and sustainable manner. It strongly believes that competitiveness as a company rests on having transparent relations with all stakeholders, so a method known as the Integrated Participatory Approach is applied whereby goals and benefits are mutual.
Intels Mission Statement on Community Relations is to create an environment in which its host communities and the Company become fundamentally interdependent; where understanding is mutual and collective commitment to growth and development total.
The main objectives of the Mission Statement include:
  • To empower the inhabitants of the host communities, in a sustainable way, through the provision of employment and improved welfare;
  • To plan and execute integrated community development programs with the full input and participation of the residents;
  • To adopt ‘best practices’ that guarantee community-friendly operations. As a matter of principle, the company believes that all private sector businesses have a moral obligation to be inclusive of their host communities and to contribute as generously as possible to their welfare.
community nigeria
mission intels
Beyond offering employment opportunities, Intels sponsors development projects (for example roads, schools and boreholes), scholarships, vocational training, local sports and local community events. The Intels ‘Free Medical Outreach’ is a recent initiative which has had a major impact on the provision of healthcare in local communities.

Women empowerment project scheme synergy (WEPSS)

Women empowerment project scheme synergy (WEPSS) is a corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative by INTELS, directed at empowering less privileged community women with tailoring skills.

Established in 2013, it provided entrepreneurship opportunities for 5’000 rural women, thereby uplifting their economic status. The project commenced in a 5000sqm centre in the Free Zone in Onne, where 300 women were selected among over 1’000 applications from the various communities. After their training, they were all retained in our manufacturing factory: within a three-year period, WEPSS manufactured over 5’000 garments, able to compete with international brands in terms of quality and price.

Since January 2016, more focus was placed on training, as production began to slow down due to the unsteady economic tides at the time, eventually shutting the branch down in 2017. Since then, WEPSS absorbs every year a minimum of 200 applicants. At the end of the program, 15% of the trainees who perform exceptionally well are awarded with a start-up kit (which includes an industrial sewing machine and a steam iron) while all the others are given a certificate of attendance. The garments produced during the training period are given to charity.

Women empowerment project scheme synergy


  • Puts the company in good light with the government, clients and the host communities.
  • Met the needs of the host communities.
  • Provides an enabling environment for the company and the indigenes
  • Buffers community agitations
  • Attracts business for the company
nigerian football academy
The Nigerian Football Academy was founded by the Chairman of Orlean Invest Holding - Mr. Gabriele Volpi - to discover young soccer talents in Nigeria, and to provide them with an opportunity to learn and play football in a safe and fun atmosphere. Believing in the human resources that Nigeria and Africa can uncover, the Academy was set up with the aim of supporting local players in achieving their targets in life.

Aba Road Energy City is provided with a number of training grounds and a main stadium. A brand-new site, with fully equipped locker rooms both for local and guest teams, daily maintenance of the facilities and maintained, irrigated pitches. A second stadium with covered stands and new lockers is under construction, with dimensions and features to comply with FIFA standards.